Monday, November 11, 2013

Argumentative Essay

I am writing this essay to disagree with your opinion sir Johan Bennett. Persepolis buy Marjane Satrapi is a great graphic novel. I don't see why this book should be banned from school grounds. 
I could see why you think it should be. It contains crass language, graphic violence, torture,sexual content,lewd humor,and an instance of suicide. I truly believe that every 10th grade student should read this book. We live in a generation were mostly everyone knows this domestic violence. This book shows the reader that it's possible for anyone to achieve there goal. You just have to go and get it. Persepolis talks about freedom in America but in Iran freedom isn't even a word. Believe it or not everyone has a dark side in them. This generation is so outrageous that young children know all about the sexual life. Once you enter high school you are considered a young adult right ? Therefore I believe that we are mature enough to just read a book. Persepolis is a good book! It truly dose make you see thing different. Such like how you should be thankful you are living in America and not anywhere else! 
I want to conclude that Persepolis is a award winning novel. I believe that English teachers should teach more about this book. 
Also that Persepolis should not be eliminated form the schools libraries. I would like to restate Persepolis is a good book! To continue with Persepolis in our libraries. 

      Martin Melena

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Vocabulary Sentences #11

1) Most likely people who lose money in a bet are Perturb. 
2) I think it's ludicrous how we don't have school Monday.
3) I am a too cordia person to people sometimes.
4) I had a predicament on wether or not i should move schools. 
5) I went skydiving and I was descending to the ground .
6) I am a dermure person but once you know my story I can never stop talking. 
7) After the party I went to I felt repugnant the next day.
8) I always donder on what the whole reason life is. 

Vocabulary Definitions #11

1) Perturb- Upset 
2) Ludicrous- Rediculious 
3) Cordia-Freindly 
4) Preficament- Tough stituation 
5) Descend- Move downward 
6) Demure - Shy 
7) Repugnant - Aweful 
8) Ponder - To think about something 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Vocabulary Sentences #10

1) The little boy bemoaned about how her didn't get a lot of candy for Halloween. 
2) I want to get a job that I am pensive about . 
3) His respons to the principle was devoid of on campus hat policy. 
4) There are some melancholy people out there . 
5) I had to mollify my dog to not chase the cat anymore.
6) When I went to Spain I kept a memento piece of art.
7) Drugs are bad and illigal for young people .
8) I went on a hot airbloon and it ascended until we got to space. 

Vocabulary Definitions # 10

1) Bemoan - Complain about 
2) Pensive - Deep in Thought 
3) Devoid - Entirely Without 
4) Melancholy - Sad / Emo 
5) Mollify - To Calm Someone
6) Memento - Keep safe / Souvenir
7) Illicit - Illegal 
8) Ascend - To climb or Go Up